Saturday, January 26, 2008


This was the cutest cat that I could find off the Internet, cute huh, look at its ears--they're really cute, but the best way to make an animal cute is to look it right in the eyes, try it. I love all animals like I said in my other 2 posts, but I still don't have a cat, my mom said that it had to find her, we would have found a cat by now if she had liked it. We were ordering food at burger king and my brother and I saw a cat. It was white with 1 big black stripe on its back I thought it was really, cute but my mom didn't want it. So now I am still waiting for a cat, I bet it will be really cute.


Anonymous said...

Good job Rachel, I loved that one too!

penguinsandladybugs said...

Don't worry, a cat will find me sometime :) --Love, Mom

Mr. E said...

We will just have to try and help a kitty find mommy won't we? -- DAD