Monday, March 24, 2008

Hello, I know that I haven't blogged in a long time so I decided to blog.

Hey I know, I'll blog about ,.... my toe , I know that sounds really weird but my toenail came off, ... well, ... not all of it just 1/4 of it.

I was getting into the shower and 1/4 my toenail came off but not completely off it was unattached to the toe but not the rest of my toenail so it was still hanging on so when I got out of the shower I called to my parents and told them about my toe and they came to help my mom clip the hanging toe nail off then, she put antibiotic on my toe then she put a band-aid on it.

Now my toenail has almost grown back. Well bye.!.!.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hey it's me, well in church I'm doing this thing called L.T.C., you get to choose a few things that you want to do, you can choose from,

  • puppets
  • chorus
  • drama
  • daily devo.
  • bible reading
  • bible quiz
  • etc...............

There are a lot more things to choose from but you can't choose all of them and you get bronze, silver, and gold medals.

I have a lot of fun doing L.T.C. exept my cousins won't be able to go this year, because it's to close to close to spring break.

well bye, for now.